E-waste Arcade Competition![](https://www.gogreenoffice.nl/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ewaste1-300x237.jpg)
The GO Green Office along with Eindhoven based electronic-waste (e-waste) company E-waste Arcades brought an innovative way for students to recycle their old mobile phones on campus. A retro arcade machine built using recycled electronics like old office computer and a washing machine was brought to the TU/e campus. To enjoy a retro arcade experience students and staff would need to insert their old mobile phones instead of arcade coins.
The e-waste arcade moved from each of the student associations, starting from Industria, and ending up at Cheops over a period of 8 weeks. It also made an appearance in Metaforum, Auditorium and La Luna, where students could play games while learning about recycling.
In the end, the Innovation Sciences student association Intermate stayed true to their sustainability vision by recycling the most number of mobile phones over the period of the competition. The GO Green Office sponsored the winners with free beer at a borrel held to celebrate their victory.