Interview with Green Office member Henriëtte Eijking

Study: Regenerative Medicine and Technology at TU/e and Physician-Clinical Investigator at Maastricht University

Age: 22

GO member since: September 2019

Hi there! My name is Henriëtte Eijking, 22 years old. I have finished my bachelor Medical Sciences and Engineering. Currently I am doing the Masters Regenerative Medicine and Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology and Arts-Klinisch Onderzoeker at Maastricht University and I work for Go Green Office.

I came into contact with the Green Office several times before I decided to join this amazing group of people. Of course you all now the famous hard cups which you can borrow for events. When I organized the TU/e Introduction Week last summer there was extra focus on sustainability, today’s hot topic. After the contact I had with Go Green Office I became fascinated by their mission and wanted to contribute myself and here we are!

Within the team I have several functions. I am part of the visibility team and work on various projects. What I like most about the team is that we all share the same mission. We brainstorm about new projects and come up with new initiatives to improve sustainability.

But how can we be sustainable on a small scale, you and me, today and now? I personally adjust myself as much as possible to be sustainable. So I take the stairs instead of the elevator, take the bike or the train, I have my own coffee cup, I am a vegetarian, I do not take plastic bags for fruits and vegetables, I recycle bags, I separate waste and so on! Do you want to know what you can do on a personal level? You can read the article from DMI. My advice to you is choose for the sustainable option especially with the little things in live. All the little things will make a big difference in the future. As you make your bed, so must you lie in it!

This interview is part of a series of interviews with GO Green Office members. Don’t forget to check out the other interviews in our blog if you want to learn more about the team!