Interview with Green Office member Shanna de Lang

Study: Industrial Design

Age: 24

GO member since: September 2019

Why did you join GO Green Office?

On my sabbatical in New Zealand, I saw the impact of climate change of my own eyes: I heard pieces of glacier ice break and fall down every day. I want to do something about this. I think helping the campus become more sustainable as a member of the GoGreen office was the perfect opportunity to do this!

What is your function within the team?

I am mostly working on waste-reducing topics. For example, stimulate the usage of reusable cups at student events.

What do you like the most about the work and the team?

As a group, we stand strong and we can really facilitate bigger changes in the university. It is also nice to be part of this group with very different people who all share the same vision!

What would you like to improve on the university with respect to sustainability?

I want to make staff and students more aware of the impact of their every-day life on the environment. I hope to show them how important it is to act now!

If you can give any advice to your fellow students, what would it be?

Your actions do have an impact! By being a little more mindful about what you buy and eat, you can make a big difference.

What do you do to be more sustainable at a personal level?

I always try to be mindful of the products I buy. I try not to single-use and disposable items and replace them with sustainable option. For my Master Thesis, I am designing an app that is using gamification to help people make more sustainable choices as well!

Where do you want to work when you finished your studies?

When I graduate I hope to work at a company that can advise bigger companies on how to make their processes more sustainable.

This interview is part of a series of interviews with GO Green Office members. Don’t forget to check out the other interviews in our blog if you want to learn more about the team!