Meet our SUMA Imke Bloemen

Imke Bloemen, the current president of Eindhovens Studenten Corps aims to implement innovations that are important for the future of the association, while holding on to special traditions that their association keeps. She told us the following.

“Sustainability has always been an important subject to me. I think it is a problem that not affects certain persons or groups, but all of us. I think people who have the power to do something about it, should take their responsibility to make a change.

Associations, in particular student associations, are large organizations that can make an impact. However, many board members of associations have the best intentions, but not always the knowledge to execute a more sustainable policy. By sharing knowledge and best practices with each other, board members are a lot more motivated to make a change.

For both instances, I think the difficulty is that there should not always be sought for the easy way, sustainable efforts require extra work. For both instances, I think the acknowledgment of the problem should be increased.

We are exploring the possibilities of switching to the usage of hard cups instead of PET. Next to that, we are writing a vision in how to use our building, waste, and energy more sustainable. Moreover, we are making our meals vegetarian once a month and always offer a vegetarian option now. Finally, we are looking at sustainable clothing for the introduction week.

I experienced being a Sustainability Manager as very positive, especially the brainstorms on ideas and input and help we have gotten from other associations was really helpful.”

A very promising idea is that there are already several companies who are interested in the techniques of TU/ecomotive. This is not only for cars themselves but also for other applications like trailers. 

We as the GO Green Office, are very happy to see these sustainable ideas in application and development. This approves our trust in the fact that waste is actually being recycled and used again after we separate it in the right way!

Website E.S.C.