SustainabiliTU/e Market

Welcome to the SustainabiliTU/e Market project, a market place for questions and answers. The goal of this project is to directly involve staff, professors and students in sustainability on our campus.

The main idea is to make a connection between sustainability issues in our university and students willing to develop projects regarding sustainability.

So, how does it work?

The GO Green Office collects sustainable questions regarding our university from the staff of different departments. The questions are put in a list on our website and sent out to professors of various courses of each faculty; students can choose among the questions in the list and develop a project. Once the student has finished the project and has reached a result, the outcome is sent back to the GO Green Office, that will work in order to implement it in the university.

Here you can find the list of questions and below a simple scheme on how the SustainabiliTU/e Market project works. Do you have a question yourself that is not yet in the list? let us know at!