Interested in getting a Green Certificate for your event? It’s easy! You just have to follow the steps below! (Tip: Before starting with the certificate, you can check our Sustainable Events Manual and see how you can improve your event). We would like to thank Luna Festival and festival Klassiek op de Campus for organizing a sustainable event. Both festivals received a ‘Sustainability Fighter’ badge!
- Fill in the GO Green Office event questionnaire and use it to guide the decision-making process at your early planning sessions. Tip: The earlier in the event planning process you begin this checklist, the easier it will be to make and implement sustainable choices.
- Determine which actions you want to include in your event. The questions are divided into 8 different sections but will only take minutes to fill in.
- Once the questionnaire is completed, just email and inform the gogreenoffice@tue.nl at least one week prior to the event. Tip: Ideally, the event should be certified beforehand so the achievements can be advertised to attendees, but an event can also be certified after it has occurred.
- Upon filling the questionnaire, GO Green Office will review the contents and follow up with requests for further information if needed. Once the review is done, you will be awarded the Sustainable Event Certification badge that can be put on all the promotional items for your event; in this way you will help spreading the culture of sustainability across the campus. The certificate consists of Hero, Fighter and Contributor badge. Your event will also be listed as a green event on the GO Green Office website!